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java)Įrebus isn’t the first file-encrypting malware to target Linux systems, or even servers.

  • Website-related and developer project files (.html.
  • This iteration of Erebus targets 433 file types, some of which include: Similar to NAYANA’s case, it originally demanded 10 Bitcoins ($24,689), but the ransom has since gone down to 5 BTC ($12,344). It also employs the UNIX cron-a utility in Unix-like operating systems like Linux that schedules jobs via commands or shell scripts-to check hourly if the ransomware is running.

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    Its persistence mechanisms include adding a fake Bluetooth service to ensure that the ransomware is executed even after the system or server is rebooted. Trend Micro’s ongoing analysis indicates that this version uses RSA algorithm to encrypt AES keys infected files are encrypted with unique AES keys. The variant that infected NAYANA’s servers is Erebus ransomware ported to Linux servers. Erebus Ransomware can now infect servers This version (RANSOM_EREBUS.TOR) also deletes shadow copies to prevent victims from recovering their files. In its ransom note, Erebus threatens to delete the victim’s files within 96 hours unless the ransom is paid, which is 0.085 Bitcoin (US$216 as of June 15, 2017).

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    This version of Erebus was observed using compromised websites in South Korea as its command and control (C&C) servers.īy February 2017, Erebus was found to have evolved and changed tactics, using a technique that bypasses User Account Control (UAC)-a Windows feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes in the system-in order to execute the ransomware with elevated privileges. This Erebus variant targets 423 file types, scrambles files with RSA-2048 encryption algorithm, and appends the affected files with the. The malicious ads diverted victims to the Rig exploit kit, which infects the victim's systems with the ransomware. Erebus evolved from using exploit kits to bypassing User Account ControlĮrebus ransomware ( RANSOM_EREBUS.A) first emerged last September 2016 being distributed by malvertisements (malicious advertisements). However, NAYANA has yet to receive the first decryption key. In the latest notice posted on the company’s website, it appears cybercriminals successfully forced NAYANA into paying the ransom-they paid the first of three payments they plan to make for all the keys needed to decrypt the infected files. The ransomware attack affected the websites, database and multimedia files of around 3,400 businesses employing NAYANA’s service.

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    On June 10, South Korea-based web hosting company NAYANA became one of the latest high-profile victims of ransomware after 153 of its Linux servers were found infected with an Erebus ransomware (detected by Trend Micro as RANSOM_ELFEREBUS.A) variant.

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